
Krystyna and Tomasz

October 2016

This time our efforts focused on helping a married couple - a 58-year-old Krystyna and her 59-year old husband Tomasz. He is after two strokes, suffering from post-accident epilepsy, and living off of invalidity pension.

A man, 61 years.

Aparat słuchowy

August 2016

And this hearing loss was something in which we could help - it was again an action rather from the category of 'lifebuoy' than “reaching the safe shore', but it was important and much needed.

Summer camp in Walbrzych

July 2016

Summer camp in Walbrzych - children's joy and great satisfaction ... we were able to support a 9 years old boy and pay for his participation in municipal summer camp organized by the local Aqua Park.

How to channel positive wave

Łóżko z biurkiem

June 2016

A 70-year-old mother, a daughter and a grandson of 10 years. The daughter long-time unemployed, taking care of her son.

Family time

ZOO Wrocław logo

May 2016

A family. Parents and two small daughters, 8 and 2 years old. A neat flat, rented occasionally, worrying humidity but at least its home. Organized and cared with great care.

The enormity of needs

December 2015

Gluszyca. A small city located in the South of Poland. A Family. Mother living alone with two children, the enormity of needs.